The Origin of the 5 Questions

The 5 questions initially began as an ice breaker conversation. If the girl answered enough of the questions correctly, she was considered a keeper. As time passed, the questions were changed a little and eventually two bonus questions were added. With the nature of the questions, most women would punch a guy for asking them. The questions were mainly used at parties where inhibitions were lessened and guys were more likely to get an honest answer. The intent of this website was to bring the questions to the world. It is our hope that women will answer the questions and submit a photo with their answers. Guys will then be able to look at the women by picture only and guess if they ranked as a keeper or not. All information will be discreet. The only thing posted will be the first name, hometown, photo and the answers submitted. At no time, will there be full names or email addresses disclosed. This is not a dating site of any kind. So have fun and invite your friends. Skippy and Scott, this is for you guys.

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